The PiTrol Software Download
Download the ZIP file "" using the link below. The zip file contains the Python program to test The PiTrol along with the files for PiTrol Wormy. It contains:-
    - Python File           ""
    - Python File           ""
    - Sound Effect File "phaser.wav"
    - Sound Effect File "tick.wav"
    - Sound Effect File "twang.wav"
    - Sound Effect File "doh.wav"
These files can be used on all versions of Raspberry Pi
Detailed download instructions are given below.

Raspberry Pi Model A, B, A+, B+ or 2
PiTrol Software Download

PiTrol Python Download Instructions 

Raspberry Pi Version A or B
You will need an SD Card with NOOBS Version 1.3.2 or later running the Raspbian Operating System

Raspberry Pi Version A+ or B+
You will need an SD Card with NOOBS Version 1.3.8 or later running the Raspbian Operating System

Raspberry Pi Version 2
You will need an SD Card with NOOBS Version 1.3.12 or later running the Raspbian Operating System

If you Raspberry Pi is connected to the internet
- Boot the Raspberry Pi and open a Web Browser e.g. Midori
- Browse to
- Click on the "PiTrol Software" link
- Right click on the "PiTrol Software Download" button
- SaveAs "" file to directory /home/pi
- Open File Manager in directory /home/pi
- Right Click on "" and select "Extract here"
This should create a "
pitrol" directory containing the files listed above

If your Raspberry Pi is not connected to the internet
- On a PC Browse to
- Click on the "
PiTrol Software" link
- Right click on the "
PiTrol Software Download" button
- SaveAs the "" file to a USB Memory Stick
- Follow the instructions on Page 31 of the Seven Segments of Pi Manual to copy the "" file from the USB Memory Stick into Raspberry Pi directory /home/pi
- Right Click on "" and select "Extract here"
This should create
a "pitrol" directory containing the files listed above